What Is the Bullseye in Darts and How Many Points Is It?

What Is the Bullseye in Darts and How Many Points Is It?

5 minutes read
Mar 30th, 2023

The bullseye in darts is one of the most important parts of the game. What is the bullseye in darts? How many points is it worth? In this blog post, we will answer some of the most common questions and misconceptions about the bullseye!


  • What Is the Bullseye in Darts?
  • How Many Points Is the Bullseye in Darts?
  • What Is An Alan Evans shot?
  • What Are the Tips on How to Hit the Bullseye?
  • Conclusion

What Is the Bullseye in Darts?


A dartboard has many specific areas with different scoring. The bullseye in darts is the small round segment in the center of a dartboard, which consists of two parts. The first part is the green outer ring (sometimes called the outer bull or single bull). The second part is the innermost red or black round area (sometimes called the inner bull or double bull).

“Bullseye” can refer to the whole part (green and red) or just the inner section. Players usually use alternative names to differentiate the part they score (like we list above).

How Many Points Is the Bullseye in Darts?

The outer ring, or the single bull, is worth 25 points. Meanwhile, the inner circle, or the double bull, gives you 50 points. This makes the bullseye one of the most valuable areas to aim for since it rewards players with high points.

Some darts beginners believe it has the highest points. But this is not true.

Does the Bullseye Have the Highest Scoring Points?

No, it doesn’t. With a little calculation, you’ll see that it’s not even in the top 3:

  • The triple 20 – 60 points
  • The triple 19 – 57 points
  • The triple 18 – 54 points
  • The triple 17 – 51 points
  • The Bullseye – 50 points (inner circle) or 25 points (outer ring)

So, the highest-scoring section is the triple 20 (60 points). The highest points you can score in a turn is 180 by hitting all 3 darts in the triple 20 section.

What Is An Alan Evans shot?

If you throw all 3 darts in a turn at the bullseye, the inner red, then you make an Alan Evans shot, earning 150 points. The player David “Alan” Evans is the one who makes this term become popular. He was reported making this kind of shot 8 times in a game on a Scottish tour.

What about hitting 3 darts in the triple 20 section? Then, you score a ton-80, another popular term you’ll hear.

What Are the Tips on How to Hit the Bullseye?

The bullseye is a small target, so it requires some practice to be able to hit it consistently. Here are some helpful tips:

  • Start with other larger and easier areas first. Don’t jump in and aim to score by hitting the bullseye right away.
  • Learn about the way darts travel.
  • Practice getting the right stance, aiming, and throwing techniques.
  • Focus on your throw and don’t think about the points. If you worry too much, you’ll never be able to throw well.
  • Visualize the bullseye before you throw. It’ll help you aim better.
  • Practice regularly and play with experienced players if you have a chance to.

>> Read more about how to improve your aiming technique


The bullseye in darts is one of the most important parts of the game, and can be very rewarding to hit. In this blog post, we answered some common questions about the bullseye. We also discussed how to aim and score points by hitting the bullseye. With a little practice, you’ll be able to hit it like a pro!

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